
Forum "Ukraine 2024": joint action for future stability

CEO Club Ukraine, in collaboration with the Frontier Institute and Aspen Institute Kyiv, organized the Forum "Ukraine 2024: Dimensions of Sustainability." The purpose of the event was to discuss the most pressing issues that have an impact on the country's future, and to find a way for Ukraine to succeed in 2024, and what everyone can do to bring victory closer.

Representatives from over 10 industries participated in the forum, and had the opportunity to share insights into the challenges facing the country and propose potential solutions. Forum participants emphasized the importance of conducting a comprehensive review of the war in Ukraine, highlighting the necessity of mobilizing all available resources, including civic society engagement and arms production. The interactive format of the event fostered in-depth discussions, facilitating a collaborative exploration of issues and the search for rational resolutions.

Special attention was given to the influence of businesses in ensuring stability during times of war.

This year's Forum "Ukraine 2024: Dimensions of Sustainability" was supported by NED (National Endowment for Democracy) and the International Renaissance Foundation.