Connect with Ukrainian business

CEO Club Ukraine is an entry-point to the Ukrainian business environment and its' leading entrepreneurs
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Wind turbines
Man talks about business

CEO Club Ukraine can help you with:

Face-to-face meetings with TOP Ukrainian entrepreneurs and business executives — CEO Club members; 
Quick integration to Ukrainian business, political and war-time agenda;  
Open dialogue with government officials, political and civil society leaders; 
Welcoming and friendly reception in Ukraine at our community space in Kyiv.

About us

CEO Club Ukraine is a private business club that brings together key leaders from the Ukrainian business community. The club actively engages with renowned experts and officials across diverse sectors, fostering a collaborative environment to facilitate impactful connections and partnerships.
A young business lady smiles at the conversation

Our members 

We have 200+ CEOs and entrepreneurs with a positive business reputation. They represent Ukrainian and international large and medium-sized companies such as:
Logo MHPLogo AjaxLogo JoobleLogo ReaddleLogo MTILogo MacPaw
Logo DobrobutLogo ArzingerLogo HormannLogo EYLogo VodafoneLogo Galileo Technologies
Logo BakertillyLogo CiscoLogo Ward Howell UkraineLogo IntelliasLogo Global LogicLogo Havas

Among CEO Club guests

Francis Fukuyama
Francis Fukuyama
American political scientist, political economist
Natalie Ann Jaresko
Natalie Ann Jaresko
Former Minister of Finance of Ukraine
Vladyslav Rashkovan
Vladyslav Rashkovan
Alternative Executive Director at the IMF
Ivan Mikloš
Ivan Mikloš
Slovak politician, former Minister of Finance of Slovakia
Yaroslav Hrytsak
Yaroslav Hrytsak
Doctor of Historical Sciences, author and public intellectual
Borys Gudziak
Borys Gudziak
Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia and Metropolitan for the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the U.S.
Anders Aslund
Anders Aslund
Swedish economist, Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council
Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker
Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker
Scientist, politician, co-president of the Club of Rome
Oleksii Reznikov
Andriy Pyshnyy
Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine
Mykhailo Fedorov
Mykhailo Fedorov
Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology –Minister for Digital Transformation
Olha Stefanishyna
Olha Stefanishyna
Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration
Serhii Korsunskyi
Serhii Korsunskyi
Ukrainian diplomat, former Director of the Hennadii Udovenko Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, ambassador of Ukraine to Japan
Pavlo Klimkin
Pavlo Klimkin
Ukrainian diplomat, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
Roman Sheremeta 
Roman Sheremeta 
Founding Rector of American University Kyiv, professor of Economics at Case Western Reserve University, co-Chair of Ukrainian American House
Myroslava Gongadze
Myroslava Gongadze
Journalist and TV presenter for the Voice of America
Piotr Kulpa 
Piotr Kulpa 
Polish civil servant, former Deputy State Secretary in the Ministry of Economy and Labor

International presence 

Members of CEO Club Ukraine had a meeting with a member of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom, Lord Maurice Glasman.

At the event, members discussed military aid from Great Britain and drew a parallel between the defense of sovereignty by Britain during World War II and Ukraine in the war with Russia.

Also, during the meeting, participants considered lots of humanitarian issues, including education for Ukrainians in the United Kingdom, and talked about the participation of British partners in the reconstruction of the Kyiv and Kharkiv regions, especially the restoration of transportation, social, and critical infrastructure.

CEO Club Ukraine at Expo-2020
Ukraine Recovery Business Day

‍Ukraine Recovery Business Day, an event for business representatives, was held in London as part of the Ukraine Recovery Conference. CEO Club took part in it as one of the partners.

Top managers of British, Ukrainian and international business, scientists, government officials of various countries, the media, representatives of embassies and civil society were among the participants of the event.

The main topic of discussion was determining the role of the private sector in the process of reconstruction and the possibilities of post-war development.

Meeting with the UK Minister of State

‍As part of the development of the Ukrainian-British dialogue, the Club held a new meeting in London, where members of the community met with Nusrat Ghani, Minister of State at the Department for Business and Trade of the United Kingdom. 

The main topics for discussion were the ways to strengthen cooperation between Ukrainian and British entrepreneurs in the context of Ukraine's post-war recovery and the potential creation of tools and mechanisms for transparent interaction between Ukrainian and British businesses.

Forum Rebuild Ukraine

With the assistance of the French government and President Emmanuel Macron, about 700 French and several Ukrainian private companies, government delegations from both countries and foreign investors took part in the conference held on December 12-13th. Ukraine was also represented by a delegation of more than 30 CEO Club members.

Rebuild Ukraine Business Conference

Second year in a row Toronto hosted a Rebuild Ukraine Business Conference, organized by the Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce, which brought together more than 300 Ukrainian and Canadian entrepreneurs, investors and government representatives from both countries. Partners of the forum were CEO Club Ukraine, Embassy of Ukraine in Canada, Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine, Business Council of Canada, Ukraine Invest, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Embassy of Canada in Ukraine.

Charity meeting between Ukrainian and Czech entrepreneurs

On August 24th, CEO Club members attended a charity meeting of Ukrainian and Czech entrepreneurs in Prague, organized under the initiative of the President of the Ukrainian-Czech Chamber of Commerce, Petr Krogman, with the support of Hospodářských Novin. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce Ukrainian and Czech entrepreneurs to each other and to share the details about the prospects in the Ukrainian market with the Czech business representatives.

Global Economic Impact Forum on Ukraine

On July 21-22nd CEO Club members took part in the international Global Economic Impact Forum on Ukraine in Turkey, dedicated to the issues of trade expansion and investments in Ukraine. The forum was organized by the National Investment Council of Ukraine and the International Trade Council (Turkey). It gathered about 600 participants from various countries, Ministers of Trade and government officials from Turkey, Ukraine, EU countries, Asia and Africa, as well as entrepreneurs and investors.

Ukrainian Recovery Conference

During the Ukrainian Recovery Conference in Lugano on July 4-5th, the CEO Club acted as a partner in the organization of the Ukrainian-Swiss Business Hub. More than 15 panel discussions took place within the framework of the hub, during which general and industry trends were discussed. Over two days, the event was attended by about 500 guests and speakers who acted as consultants, shared their own experience and discussed various topics, including the role of Ukrainian business in the post-war reconstruction of the country.

CEO Club Ukraine at Expo-2020

CEO Club members represented Ukrainian business at “Ukraine Export Promotion Days” in Dubai. From 20th to 24th of November, as part of the "Ukraine Export Promotion Days" at the World Expo-2020, the delegation of CEO Club Ukraine members visited a series of events with representatives of the business community from both Ukraine and UAE. Members of the CEO Club together with UAE entrepreneurs and representatives of the Ukrainian government delegation took part in the business briefing. During the event participants discussed the opportunities regarding the export capabilities of Ukraine in the context of bilateral trade and economic cooperation.

Our partners

Logo Canada-UkraineUGF logoUniversum logo

CEO Club House

In the heart of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv CEO Club has its own community space. It's a place for holding formal and informal meetings and organizing different events, conferences and panel discussions.
CEO Club House


Contact information

Sofiia Odintsova
Butyshiv Lane, 23
Kyiv, Ukraine 02000